Child Rights Governance

application/pdfNational Child Participation GuidelinesIn 2020, Malawi launched its first ever national child participation guidelines. SCI influenced and supported the development of the guidelines.03/02/20223MB
application/pdfNational Child Participation GuidlinesDeveloped by the Government of Malawi with Save the Children Support, these guidelines are the culmination of six years of advocacy and technical guidance.23/12/20213MB
application/pdfNational Child Participation Strategy - 2021This strategy has been developed to facilitate smooth implementation of National Child Participation Guidelines by among other things help to mobilize resources for child participation, build capacities of children to participate and the capacities of duty bearers to facilitate meaningful participation on issues that affect children at community, district and national levels. Save the Children supported the development this strategy03/02/20222MB
application/pdfThe Smaller PictureA closer look at the children who inspire us in Malawi27/11/2018319KB
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