
application/pdfMalawi 2019-2021 CSPThis is the 2019-2021 Country Strategic plan which outlines our strategic goals, approach and theory of Change.19/02/2020250KB
application/pdfMalawi Country Strategy 2022 - 2024 (2 Pager)An abridged version of the Malawi 2022 - 2024 Country Strategy15/02/20224MB
application/pdfImpact of school-based malaria intervention on primary schoSchool-based health (SBH) programmes that are contingent on primary school teachers are options to increase access to malaria treatment among learners. However, perceptions that provision of healthcare by teachers may be detrimental to teaching activities can undermine eforts to scale up school-based malaria control. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of school-based malaria diagnosis and treatment using the Learner Treatment Kit (LTK) on teachers’ time.27/10/20221015KB
application/pdfMalawi Country Office Monthly Spotlight Publication, REDThe Malawi Country Office Monthly Spotlight Publication for the month of May presents stories of change within the Resilience for Economic Development Gains (RED) project spanning across Youth Skills Development, Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies and Promotion of Value Chain Crops among others.09/06/20234MB
application/pdfPRESS RELEASE: JOFA Project LaunchAn exceptional milestone has been reached in Malawi as Save the Children Malawi and Plan International Malawi, in partnership with World Vision Germany through the Global Joining Forces Alliance, have secured funding from the European Union to implement a project entitled: "Joining Forces for Africa: Acting to End Child Labor" (JOFA-ACTE). This is a multi-county project, which will be implemented in four countries namely: Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Mali, over a period of three years (2023-2025). 30/08/2023274KB
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