Friday 11 June 2021

ECHO Covid 19 response has been an arm that directly joins with the Government of Malawi's National COVID-19 Preparedness. Launched on the 8th April 2020, this plan addresses the most pressing needs associated with the pandemic and coordinates effort with nine of Malawi’s leading INGOs (Save the Children, GOAL, CARE, TROCAIRE, COOPI, CRS, United Purpose, Concern Worldwide and Oxfam). The Action targets 7 high risk districts (Dedza, Lilongwe Urban and Rural, Blantyre, Mzimba North, Mulanje, Mwanza and Mangochi). The response strengthens and employs an integrated WASH approach working with 48 targeted primary and secondary health facilities and their surrounding communities by building the capacity of frontline workers at community and facility level while equipping them with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and practical tools to enable them to efficiently respond to their contexts. With keen emphasis at district and community level, the Action supports district structures to better respond to the pandemic and further takes a community led action (CLA) approach thus empowering communities to fully understand their contextual risks so as they take an initiative in developing their own solutions. The Action includes a flexible response mechanism to enable the deployment of teams and goods in case of outbreaks and other possible emergencies within and beyond targeted districts.

Save the Children (SC), GOAL, CARE, and Trócaire is implementing in Mwanza, Blantyre, Mulanje and Mangochi respectively. The Action directly supports 1,131,389 (577,008 female, 554,381 Male - incl. 624,074 children) across 24 facilities and 17 Traditional Authorities (TAs). Each organization led in the district where they have significant operational presence and local knowledge.